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Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dentistry

Perfect Smile

Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the functionality) of teeth, gums and/or both. It primarily focuses on improvement in dental aesthetics in colour, position, shape, size, alignment and overall smile appearance.

Common cosmetic dentistry options include among many others:


  1. Whitening

Whitening, or tooth bleaching, is the most common cosmetic dental procedure. The doctor will first evaluate your teeth and smile to determine whether whitening is right for you. In some cases, a different cosmetic procedure may better meet your expectations, but whitening is a safe, fast and easy process that is effective for almost everyone. While many whitening options are now available, including over the counter products, dentist-supervised treatments remain the recommended procedures for lightening discoloured teeth.

The amount of colour change varies from one person to another and depends on the initial shade of the tooth. (Yellow bleaches better than grey), the length of time you wear the tray each day and the number of weeks you continue the treatment.



  1. Brush and floss teeth.

  2. Apply thin coat in bleaching tray.

  3. Insert tray in mouth and remove the excess gel with a Q-tip.

  4. Wear 30 minutes per application.

2. Veneers

Veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made porcelain or composite shells that are bonded directly to
the teeth. They are used for closing gaps, enhance the shape. In the majority of the cases, a
minimal amount of tooth reduction is necessary for optimal results.

Porcelain veneers (which are typically stronger) are fabricated and then bonded to the tooth
meanwhile the patient has his temporary veneers and thus is done in 2 visits. In the contrary
composite veneers are done in one visit.

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